All photos taken by the author, Tony Wilson. Copyright for all images remains with the author.

Welcome to Wilson's Wildlife, a celebration of wildlife in Britain and beyond. I am a teacher living in Penwortham, Lancashire, so I do most of my photography in North West England. Family holidays to mainland Europe provide chances to snap more exotic species and sometimes, if I'm lucky, I'm allowed to venture further.
I hope you enjoy the images and find the captions helpful. With each shot I have included the date, location and any other useful information in case you wish to seek out that species in the same area. Some animals are regular as clockwork to certain places, others are one-off rarities. Nature photography is full of surprises...
I hope you enjoy the images and find the captions helpful. With each shot I have included the date, location and any other useful information in case you wish to seek out that species in the same area. Some animals are regular as clockwork to certain places, others are one-off rarities. Nature photography is full of surprises...